$Naruto is a Japanese anime television series based on massahi kishimoto. Naruto Uzumaki a young ninja who seek recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the hokage the leader of his village.
Naruto represents an unprecedented fusion in the realm of anime-inspired themes, creating the ultimate anime that stands unmatched in power and charisma.
Naruto is not just the next 1000x gem on Solana chain but it is a revolution in making,buy Naruto and hold for the bullrun.
Step into a world where innovation meets tradition, and community meets cutting-edge technology. Naruto is more than a character or a token—it's a movement. Be part of something bigger, where every holder isn’t just a participant, but a pioneer in a new digital landscape. Welcome to the future, welcome to Naruto.
Phase 1
Community take over
Project awareness
V1 Website
Phase 2
Dexscreener update
Dextools update
Sol trending/Airdrop
Phase 3
Shilling contest
Meme contest
Weekly Airdrop
Weekly AMA
Phase 4
Twitter space
CMC/CG listing
Nft collection